Our Philosophy
The above statement does and must apply beyond the shop floor and the quality control department to pervade every aspect of our business. As we produce an engineered product with defined specifications, the quality of our physical product is measurable and will be measured according to specific procedures set forth in the Quality Manual, and variances will be addressed by suitable corrective action procedures. The perfect seal, however, is of little use if the customer does not have it when it was promised. Every department must and will participate in achieving our 100/100 quality goals: 100% customer acceptance of product inspected to specification, and 100% timeliness of delivery of that product Both of these criteria are currently measured at the very top level of our Management Information System.
Further, Quality at Conover encompasses everything from the way we answer the phones, through the way we create a solution to the sealing problem of our customer, to the manufacturing, inspection, shipping, and invoicing of the product. While these areas may not all be as quantitatively measurable as timeliness and conformance to specification, they are all part of the “quality” of the customer’s experience with Conover.